Miklós Sebők

Miklós Sebők
Download CV Research Professor (MTA TK PTI)
Research Interests

comparative policy studies, legislative studies, political economy, AI and machine learning

Selected Publications

2024 The geopolitics of vaccine media representation in Orbán’s Hungary—an AI-supported sentiment analysis (Co-authors: Orsolya Ring, Márk György Kis, Martin Balázs Bánóczy, Ágnes Dinnyés) Journal of Computational Social Science.

2024 Leveraging Open Large Language Models for Multilingual Policy Topic Classification: The Babel Machine Approach (Co-authors: Máté Ákos, Orsolya Ring, Viktor Kovács, Richárd Lehoczki) Social Science Computer Review, 0(0): 1–23.

2024 Staying on the Democratic Script? A Deep Learning Analysis of the Speechmaking of U.S. Presidents (Co-authors: Amnon Cavari, Ákos Máté), Policy Studies Journal. 52(4): 709–729.

2023 Comparative European legislative research in the age of large-scale computational text analysis: A review article (Co-authors: Sven-Oliver Proksch, Christian Rauh, Péter Visnovitz, Gergő Balázs, Jan Schwalbach), International Political Science Review, 0(0): 1–22.

2022 How Orbán won? Neoliberal disenchantment and the grand strategy of financial nationalism to reconstruct capitalism and regain autonomy. Socio-Economic Review

2022 Punctuated Equilibrium and Progressive Friction in Socialist Autocracy, Democracy and Hybrid Regimes (Co-authors: Ágnes M. Balázs, Csaba Molnár), Journal of Public Policy 42 (2): 247–69.

2020 The Multiclass Classification of Newspaper Articles with Machine Learning: The Hybrid Binary Snowball Approach (Co-author: Zoltán Kacsuk), Political Analysis 29 (2): 236–49.